Here is a step by step example of how to set up a monster macro that would turn a creature to stone, trapping the attackers weapon inside the monster and then have it explode into a fireball. WOW! Minus the acid for blood bit these guys are every bit as dangerous as the ALIEN...
1) Open the "Monster Editor" and click on the "Monster Macro" button.
2) Script the Code / ID Listing as follows
Code ID
1: 122 E-Code ID
2: 17 E-Code ID
Script 1: Code 122 will cause the attacker to fumble their weapon. In effect this removes the weapon from the attacker.
For E-Codes you would use:
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5
1 600 0 0 0
Item 1: 1 = String ID to display on fumble. Just put a string there that
explains the creature just turned to stone and trapped your
weapon inside its body. Oh Poop!
Item 2: 600 = Sound ID to play (if any).
Item 3: Not used in this case.
Item 4: Not used in this case.
Item 5: Not used in this case.
Script 2: Code 17 cast a spell centered on the creature that just died. In this case we will cast a level 7 fireball to represent the creature exploding in a hellstorm of flame and gore.
For E-Codes you would use:
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5
1306 7 0 1 0
Item 1: 1306 = Spell ID to cast. In this case Spell 1306 = Fireball.
Item 2: 7 = Power level of spell.
Item 3: + / - to Save. In this case we will not modify any characters
chance to DRVs the spell.
Item 4: 1 = No chance to save. We will make each character take full
damage from this explosion. Why? Because we feel extra nasty.
Item 5: Not used in this case.
Finishing Up: After you have completed the above script, just place the Macro ID into the field "Monster Macro" in the monster editor and it will be executed when the creature dies in combat.
There are a lot of things you can do when a creature dies. How horrible and devious is up to you. Have fun.